Why do I get pain while pressing the top of my head?
Senior Consultant, Dermatology and Venereology,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi
Q: I get pain when I press the top of my skull. I got it examined by a specialist who advised me to get a CT scan done. The reports mentioned something called DNS and Concha Bullosa, which he said is nothing to worry about. But I still experience pain when pressure is applied. I sweat a lot on the head, especially when I am eating, even in cool conditions. It's very embarrassing during a get-together. I also have dandruff like growth on the scalp. I shampoo my hair daily with Dankare Plus. The itching reduces but the powder or scales are still persisting. The specialist prescribed 20% Betnovate solution, which I apply overnight and wash it off in the morning. But it doesn't help. How can I get rid of these problems?
A:Tenderness of the scalp skin is usually seen when there is an inflammation. In such cases, pain ceases when the primary pathology is treated. However, I have come across some cases who do not have any obvious skin disorder. It may be a variant of chronic pain syndrome. I have not come across any research on such cases.From your description, sweating on the forehead appears to be gustatory hyperhidrosis. Application of solutions of certain aluminium salts may help. In severe cases, interruption of parasympathetic pathway will help.