
Why do I get frequent stomach upsets?

Prof B Krishna Rau
Professor and Head of Dept. of Surgery,
Sri Ramachandra Medical College, Chennai

Q: My stomach gets upset quite frequently i.e. after every week or two it gets upset. I have noticed that it happens when I consume non-vegetarian food(which mostly consists of chicken or egg) or rich food (i.e. the usual North Indian food served in restaurants) I do smoke and drink (although drinking is very limited, once or twice in a month). I was operated to remove gall stones in 2000. This problem is much more persistent during summers than in winter. I in general take Pudin Hara (pearls) for this problem. Please advice.

A:By stomach upset I presume you have diarrhoea. This could be due to irritable bowel disease. You will require following tests. 1. Stool examination 2. Barium enema or colonoscopy and biopsy. 3. Other routine tests like haemogram, ultra sound examination of the abdomen to rule out any concommitant disease. The treatment can be given after the results are available.