
Why do adolescents neglect their parents' feelings?

Dr S Anandalakshmy
Advisor on Child Development & Education,

Q: What makes a child inconsiderate of his parents' feelings?

A:Adolescence is a period of growing up when children have their moods and outbursts. They will surely outgrow them. However, with no other details, I am not able to give you any specific advice about your daughter. You might wish to check out with a Counsellor or Psychologist who can see you and your daughter together and later on, separately.Mark Twain is quoted as saying that when he was 15, his father was a fool. By the time he was 18, he said, it was amazing how much the old man had learnt!I think you will need patience, firmness and a sense of humour in tackling day-to-day issues. Talk to friends whose children have grown up. You will find somewhat similar experiences.