
Why did my wife become unconscious after slight heaviness in the chest?

Dr DDK Rolston

Q: My wife is 34 years old. Last evening when we were about to sleep, she said that she is feeling heaviness in her head & left arm. Within some time she felt unconscious & retained her consciousness after about 5 to 6 minutes. She was still feeling heaviness, but was fine in the morning. Why did this happen?

A:If I read your question correctly your wife lost consciousness for a few minutes. By this I understand that you were unable her to respond when you spoke to her or shook her. There are 2 possibilities that should be considered: 1. Did she have an irregularity of her heart beat (arrhythmia) which made her lose consciousness? 2. Did she have a seizure? For both these possibilities she would need to be evaluated. For the heart she will need an ECG and possibly a Holter monitor (which is a continuous ECG recording for 24-48 hours) done. She may also require an Echocardiogram to be done. The seizure disorder will require an EEG, which is an electrical recording of the brain.