
Why did my ureter get blocked after hysterectomy?

Mahendra Bhandari
Professor of Urology, Director Clinical Research,
Henry Ford Hospital,
Detroit, USA

Q: I am a 37 years old female. I had a hysterectomy 6 weeks ago. Two weeks after the surgery, the doctors found a blocked right ureter and put in a nephrostomy tube, attempted a stent that did not work. I had no history of bladder or kidney problems prior to the hysterectomy. What has then caused this blockage? Is there a test to find out this?

A:I am glad that they put a nephrostomy, which would protect your kidney from a likely damage and give us a breather to plan future course of action. It would be ideal to be under the care of a good urologist. If no test for kidney function (Intravenous Pyelogram [IVP] or CT scan) was done before your hysterectomy then it would be necessary to know if kidney was blocked because of some stone before the surgery or it was as a result of some surgical problem. They will put some dye in your kidney through nephrostomy to know the exact site of blockage before they plan the treatment.