Why are my son's legs curved outwards?
Dr (Mr) Ramani Narasimhan
Consultant Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon,
Apollo, New Delhi
Consultant Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon,
Apollo, New Delhi
Q: My son is 18 months old. His legs from the knee are curved outwards, so he walks keeping his legs wide apart. His legs are not straight. People have advised stretches and massage to straighten the legs. Can you advise me in this regard.
A:Children of this age usually have in-toeing but your son seems to be having out-toeing, which itself is not uncommon. Children of this age do have torsion (twisting) of the long bones of lower limbs, which are normal, and are expected to untwist in majority of cases. Having stated that, one has to draw a line between normal & abnormal, depending upon the extent of the deformity, age of the child, symmetry/asymmetry and any associated medical problem.