Why are my 16-months-old son's front teeth breaking?
Dr Seema Gupta
Consultant, Orthodontist,
New Delhi
Consultant, Orthodontist,
New Delhi
Q: The two front teeth of my 16-month-old son are breaking. The upcoming teeth are also off white in colour. I am still breast feeding him. He doesn't take other milk and is a fussy eater. Is breast feeding him at night the cause of his teeth problem? He doesn't even allow me to brush his teeth. What should I do?
A:Does he suck his thumb? Stop breast feeding as he is not benefiting from it and the quantity. He may create a fuss initially but ultimately he would settle. You should get him checked by a dentist to ascertain if tooth decay has set in. Also, try to brush his teeth or at least wipe them with a wet cotton.