
Why am I unable to sleep early?

Dr M S Kanwar
Senior Consultant, Chest Disease-Sleep Disorders, Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, Delhi

Q: Due to sleeping late and at irregular hours, my whole body clock has gone haywire. Even if I go to bed at 10 pm, I wont fall asleep until 4 am or 5 am in the morning and as a result I sleep till late in the afternoon. This has been going on and off for a few months. Even on days that I am very tired and feel like going to sleep, I can't. Then I start worrying about not sleeping and all problems in my life in general and that makes it worse. I don't really want to take sleeping pills because I believe that it is bad for the system and I may get addicted to it. I am looking for a different solution if there is any. I would greatly appreciate any help?

A:You have developed a mixture of Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome and Insomnia. It can become a chronic troublesome disease if not managed in the early stages. Be positive, do regular exercises, mind relaxing like Yoga, take limited meals at regular times, etc. Also take tab. Zolfresh (Zolpidem) only 5 mg at 10.30 pm daily while other lifestyle measures start to take their effect. Also avoid tea/coffee after 5 pm. This should help.