
Why am I unable to conceive?

Dr Abha Majumdar
Head, Centre of IVF & Human Reproduction,
Dept of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: I am a 35 years old woman trying to conceive for the last 6 months. My husband’s sperm count is normal. I have undergone all the tests and all the reports were normal including laparoscopic diagnosis. My FSH level is 15 on the 6th day of my periods. I have 25 days cycle and ovulation took place on the 16th day without any drug during the previous cycle. Now I want to go for IUI, so the doctor has given me Letrozole 2.5 mg two tablets daily for 5 days from the day 2. I am suffering a lot due to this medicine. Is it a safe drug? I have read that it is meant for cancer only. If I am ovulating normally then why drugs are required?

A:Yours seems to be a case of unexplained infertility. Letrozole, which has been given to you is a safe drug for ovulation induction and usually does not have any significant side effects. To begin with it was being used to cancer treatment but now it is recommended for ovulation induction also. IN case of unexplained infertility, even when patient shows natural ovulation, ovulation-inducing agents are given to enhance it and plan an IUI. For this, clomiphene is supposed to be better than Letrozole.