
Why am I suffering from irregular periods?

Prof Mini Sood
Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology,
University Technology Mara,

Q: I am a 42 year old woman with two children. Two months back, after period cycle we had intercourse with precaution. Normally my period is 27 or 28 days, but till now there is no sign of period. In between, I did home pregnancy test twice and both came negative. Am I pregnant? About 10 years back, I experienced the same problem with no pregnancy. At that time I consulted the doctor who gave me medicines and then menses became regular. Why am I suffering from such a problem?

A:You are in the perimenopausal stage of your life, when menses do become irregular. In case of heavy flow, you need to have a complete investigation of scan, pap smear and pipelle sample for tissue diagnosis. In case of light and scanty bleeding, nothing specific need to be done except keeping track on the menses cycle. Protection against possible pregnancy still needs to be considered.