
Why am I not pregnant inspite of trying every month?

Dr Anuj Sharma
Faculty member, Department of Family Medicine,
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill,

Q: I am 25 years old. I had a past history of cyst, which kept forming and dissolving around 12-14 days. I got married 2 year ago. Since we didn't plan to have a child, I was on birth control pills for 2 months. But stopped taking them after that. We used to avoid having intercourse during the risky days (10 to 16). But now we are mentally prepared to take the responsibility of raising a child. We tried for 3 months with regular intercourse on all days across the month, but no success. All this time, I use to have severe pain and cramps during the 12-14 days after the menses, making the intercourse difficult. So we decided to visit a gynaecologist. We did the routine check up and pap smear. Everything was normal. She only said that I have tilted uterus. She suggested pre-natal vitamins (Prenate Elite) for a period of 3 months and suggested birth control pills during this period. However, I didn't take the birth control pills. We continued to have intercourse on all days. From the past 5 months, I am experiencing strange problems. My periods, which have always been regular (28 days) seems to have become short around (25-26) days. My basal body temperature (BBT) remains high starting from the 12th day till 24th day. I also experience spotting around 23rd day which lasts for 2 days. I even experience vomiting. Around 24th day, the spotting becomes more frequent and the body temperature begins to fall. On 25th day I start my periods. I am experiencing symptoms similar to that of being pregnant. My breasts are tender, I feel nauseous, morning sickness and feel very tired. Are these early signs of pregnancy? Every month we start with new hope and I start feeling nervous after 16 days. It is more than 8 months since we have been trying.

A:It appears that you are very meticulously keeping track of every little change in your body, and the days, etc. I am sure that all this is causing un-necessary stress. When one is overly stressed, the body does not function very well. You are very young, and technically,one does not even start getting worried unless you have had no success with conception after one year of trying.If you have no success, after one year, you many consider hormonal evaluation, ultrasound, semen analysis, and other evaluation as directed by an infertility specialist. In the mean time, eat healthy, relax, exercise and take care of your self. Let nature take its course.