
Why am I not losing weight?

Ravi Singareddy, MD
Assistant Professor,
Sleep Research & Treatment Center, Department of Psychiatry,
Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine,

Q: I am a 42 years old man, weighing 72 kg (earlier 74 kg) and height 166 cm, using continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine for sleep apnoea for the last year. I have tried to change my lifestyle by quitting smoking totally, playing tennis for an hour every alternate day and walking 3 km in 30 minutes on a treadmill in between those days. I have also stopped eating rice in dinner. In spite of all this, I have lost only 2 kg in a year. I do not have any thyroid problem too. I drink 1 to 2 pegs of alcohol around twice a week. I am not losing weight significantly and getting addicted to CPAP. How do I get rid of this?

A:Losing weight is not easy and takes considerable motivation and effort. However, I have seen individuals who have lost significant amount of weight both in my clinical practice as well as the people that I know personally. The key aspect seems to be increasing aerobic exercises while also building muscle mass by weight training. At the same time being highly cautious about your caloric intake (often we underestimate the amount of calories that we consume). One way to be specific about your caloric intake would be to journal your caloric intake for about one week (include everything you take such as liquids/snacks/candy, etc). Beyond all this taking help of a dietary professional might be helpful. As far as CPAP is concerned - it is not addictive and helps as long as you are using. Sleep apnoea symptoms are controlled with CPAP and thus it decreases cardiovascular and metabolic risk from untreated sleep apnoea. I suggest that you use CPAP as prescribed till you lose significant weight and a repeat sleep study shows no sleep apnoea.