Why am I not conceiving?
Professor and Senior Consultant Gynecologist & Colposcopist
Mazumdar-Shaw Center for Cancer Research & Narayana Hrudayalaya Multispecialty Hospital, Bangalore
Q: I am 29 years old, married for the past two years. I have regular periods. For one year, we planned not have children, but for the past one year I am trying to conceive. I am working and I have to travel for nearly three hours. Please guide me how I can conceive. Is it due to my age or due to my travelling? Does this have any connection with the frequency of sexual intercourse? Please advise.
A:If you are having sex infrequently, you may not conceive, especially if you do not have sex during the fertile period. The egg comes out 14 days before the next expected periods. So, in a 28 days cycle it comes out on day 14 and in a 30 days cycle it comes out on day 16 (counting first day of your periods as day 1; cycle= day 1 of menses to day 1 of next menses). If your cycle is 28-30 days, egg will come out any time between day 14 and day 16. Usually, we calculate the fertile period as +/- 2 to 3 days before the expected date of ovulation. So, in a 28-day cycle, the fertile period is day 11 to day 17, and in a 30-day cycle it is day 13 to day 19. In women with 28-30 days cycle, the fertile period will be day 11 to day 19. On these days, you are advised to have sex every alternate day at least.If you were aware of this information and are following it, then I suggest you and your husband consult a gynaecologist immediately for detailed examination and work up. In any case, considering your age, I strongly advise you consult a gynaecologist and not waste further time.