
Why am I not able to sleep properly?

Ravi Singareddy, MD
Assistant Professor,
Sleep Research & Treatment Center, Department of Psychiatry,
Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine,

Q: I am a 38 years old man unable to sleep properly. I have a habit to sleep with my stomach down and right arm under my thin pillow with my left hand under my cheek. With this posture my right leg is always straight and the left leg is slightly bent. For the last year I am unable to sleep with this posture and it causes a lot of pain in the left side of my abdomen. When I reverse my posture- left arm under the pillow and right hand under my cheek - I get a lot of pain in my left arm and in a minute I shift to another position. This goes on for about 2-3 hours till I get sleep. My weight is 92 kg and height is 5.2 feet. How can I improve my sleep? Please advise.

A:It is quite possible that your sleeping posture may be causing pain as well as disturb your sleep. In addition, considering your weight is in the obesity range there is a high possibility that you might be suffering from sleep apnoea. I strongly suggest that you see a physician specialising in sleep medicine who can further evaluate you in this regard and suggest treatment.