
Why am I getting itching?

Dr Kamlendar Singh
Senior Consultant, Dermatology and Venereology,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi

Q: I am a 30 years old male experiencing itching in between the area of anus and penis, leg joints and hands for the last three years. The itching sensation appears once in every two months and lasts for a week. The itching causes wounds and marks on the affected area. Recently, I had a blood test that reported that I have eosinophilia. I am working in a little dusty condition and often have long episodes of sneezing. Is eosinophilia dangerous? Would it invite other health hazards?

A:Only on the basis of your complaints without the benefit of clinical examination, you probably have atopic dermatitis. This condition has three phases: infant phase, childhood phase and the adulthood phase. It is not necessary that each individual will pass through all the three phases. Each phase lasts for sometime. The patient must learn to live with it. Medicines are used according to the severity of the condition. Modification of lifestyle helps to reduce the severity of the disease and hence the need for medicines. Consult a dermatologist for proper diagnosis.