
Why am I feeling weak and dizzy during my pregnancy?

Dr B Shakuntala Baliga MD (AIIMS), FICOG
Professor and Senior Consultant Gynecologist & Colposcopist
Mazumdar-Shaw Center for Cancer Research & Narayana Hrudayalaya Multispecialty Hospital, Bangalore

Q: I have just entered my 8th month of pregnancy. My blood pressure since the beginning of the pregnancy has been around 90/60 which, I understand, is on the lower side. I have also till now gained only 5 kgs since the start of the pregnancy. My doctor was initially concerned about the BP and low weight but felt that as long as I was feeling OK with no signs of tiredness or fatigue, this could be the normal range for me. I have had no problems till now and consider myself fairly active with a full time 10 hr job and a young child at home. I wish to continue to work till the last date and remain active. For the past two days, I have been feeling slightly dizzy and thought it may be because of the summer heat though I continue to take fluids and try to eat every 3-4 hours. Please advice if I need to take any further precautions?

A:I think the 10 hours of work every day and looking after a small child when you are pregnant are too much for you. That is one reason you are feeling dizzy. The summer heat is an additionally factor, if you say your BP is OK. Hope you do not have a tendency for diabetes (because of family history). I also suppose your doctor has made sure your baby is growing satisfactorily.This is the time that the baby grows maximally (in terms of weight). A small for date baby can face lots of problems before, during and after birth.In view of this, and your work load, I feel you should go on maternity leave right away. You are paying a big premium to have a healthy baby - end result should be good for both the baby and you. Adequate rest and sleep, a good diet will help you and your baby. Keep away from the hot exteriors. If your house gets hot, install an air conditioner (if possible). Drink lots of fluids - tender coconut water, barley lime water (available as a drink in most drug stores), glucose-d with a dash of lime and salt etc.