
Which drugs are suitable for my mother who is suffering from polycystic kidney disease?

Dr Chandra M Gulhati
Editor, MIMS,
New Delhi

Q: My mother is suffering from bilateral polycystic kidney disease. Both the kidneys are enlarged and they can be felt. She is 60 years old. Her latest lab results are:- Serum creatnine: 6.6; Blood Urea: 103, Pus Cells: 10-14; Epethelial Cells: 4-6; Hb: 7.0; RBS: 100; TLC: 13100; DLC: N:74; L: 22; M: 3; E: 1. Her haemoglobin is not improving for the last two months. Please suggest remedies. Can injection Amikacin 500 be given to her as the same is suggested by some doctor? She is taking the following medicines: Amlong A25 - OD; Shelcal500 - TDS; Frusinex 100 - OD; Folvit 5 mg-OD; Alfadol 0.25 - OD.

A:In Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD), there is always an element of blood leaking into the urine, whether visible or not. This results in anaemia which is very difficult to treat.There is also an increased risk of calculli (stones) being formed in the kidney. Such stones consist of calcium oxalate. Hence supplemental calcium such as Shelcal or Alfadol (containing alphacalcidol or vitamin D) is not to be given. Even without calcium and vitamin D supplements, some 20% of cases of PKD develop kidney stones.Medicines that are excreted by kidneys, such as Amikacin, are not to be given. Furthermore amikacin is also nephrotoxic i.e. toxic to kidneys. Hence it is not allowed to be given.