
When will the pain in my shoulder reduce?

Dr Mathew Varghese
Head, Department of Orthopaedics,
St. Stephens Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: I am 33 years old and have pain in my left shoulder joint. A year back I met with an accident and I showed it to a doctor and took his treatment. All is fine except the pain. Please advise.

A:As per your date of birth you are 34 years old. As a sedentary worker, pain occurring in the shoulder joint without any injury can be because of several reasons. There are several shoulder problems that can contribute pain in the shoulder. These include periarthritis of the shoulder, sub-acromial bursa of the shoulder, supraspinatus tendonitis, bicipital tendonitis, acromio clavicular joint arthritis. Obviously as a lay-person these are all tongue twisters and have no meaning for you. The reason I chose to write like this is because of the fact that a simple thing like pain in the shoulder may require very careful evaluation to arrive at a diagnosis. I have only listed a few prominent conditions. I recommend that you show yourself to an orthopaedic surgeon and a possible diagnosis can be made only after careful clinical examination and relevant investigations.