
When can normal activities be resumed after a fracture in the spine?

Dr Neera Chadha
Senior Consultant Physiotherapist,

Q: I met with an accident and was diagnosed with a compression fracture of the spine. The doctor advised me to take bed rest for one month. It has been a month already and I am starting my activities slowly. I use braces for support because the pain in the back is unbearable at times. Is it safe to resume my normal activities like attending classes?

A:You can do the following:1. Take as much bed rest as possible for 6 weeks.2. Start lighter activities.3. Hot fomentation.4. After 4 weeks, static exercises for spine can be started.5. Spinal movements can be resumed after 6 weeks. Avoid bending forward. Don't lift up heavy weight. If the pain still persists, take TENS treatment from a physiotherapist.