
What type of breast biopsy?

Prof Indraneel Mittra
Professor Indraneel Mittra
Dr Ernest Borges Chair in Translational Research and Professor Emeritus,
Department of Surgical Oncology
Tata Memorial Centre Tata Memorial Hospital and Advanced Centre for Treatment,
Research & Education in Cancer (ACTREC),

Q: I am a female aged 37 years and noticed a prickly feeling in my breast. The mammography and the associated ultrasound states the following: Both breasts show glandular tissue interspersed with fibro-fatty tissue and connective tissue. There is an architectural distortion in the upper outer quadrant of the right breast. The margin merges with the adjacent breast parenchyma in the cranio-caudal view. A spec of calcification is seen in the right breast. Both nipples and areola appear normal. There is no focal area of skin thickening. Normal vascular markings are seen in both breasts. Right axilla shows few nodes. Correlated ultrasound screening revealed multiple cysts in the upper outer quadrant of boths breasts measuring <0.5 cm. There is a small ill-defined area with distal attenuation in the upper outer quadrant of the right breast just lateral to areola at 10 O' clock position. Impression : Features of multiple tiny cysts scattered in the upper outer quadrant of both breasts. Bilateral fibrocystic changes. An anamoly, normal development and involution. An ill defined area of architectural distortion and attenuation in the upper outer quadrant of the right breast just lateral to the areola at 10 O clock position. Needs biopsy correlation. Please advise me as to what kind of biopsy ( fluid is enough or full surgery is fine ) I need to have and which is the best place for that in Chennai? If the mother has suffered from breast cancer, is the son at an increased risk of developing cancer i.e. is cancer hereditary (esp from mother to son)?

A:You do not mention whether the shadow seen on mammography could be felt by the Doctor. If not, there are two possibilities : 1. Needle guided removal of that area under memo graphic control or 2. Aspiration of some cells through a needle under memo graphic control. The best place in Chennai is Cancer Hospital, Adiyar. Unless there is history of breast cancer in many female relatives in the family, the son is not at increased risk of any cancer.