
What to do when the child vomits after feeds?

Dr Satish Saluja
Consultant Neonatologist,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: My daughter (born 2.5 years ago) started going to the play school two months back. She used to have milk 1-2 hours before getting into the school bus, but used to vomit it out during the journey. We thought it may be some sort of motion sickness and stopped giving her milk before leaving for school. It worked off and on. She has a habit of throwing up whenever she cries aloud and on some days she is reluctant to go to school but enjoys the school and participates in all activities. Ever since she started going to school, her frequency of catching cough/cold, throat infection increased suddenly. She is 86 cms tall and weighs 12 kg but has never had any significant health problems, except accute jaundice at birth. She was born prematurely. In view of above, we are worried whether we have started sending her to school too early. What can we do to enhance her immunity? Please advise.

A:She is just two and half years old and it seems you are over anxious about her feeding and going to school so early. It is not uncommon in such small babies to vomit off and on especially if she is otherwise looking fine and growing well and is active and performing her activities well. Going by her weight and height she seems to be fine. Dont try to force feed or over feed her. I would say since she is otherwise fine, and if checked by a paediatrician medical check up is all right, take it easy.