
What to do for bleeding gums?

Prof Mahesh Verma
Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences,
New Delhi

Q: My gums bleed profusely when I wake up in the morning. The problem started around 2 years back with traces of blood after brushing the teeth. For last 2 months I have observed that without even touching the gums, blood starts coming out. I took some medicines for 15 days for some allergy and bleeding of gums and the bleeding stopped but has recurred after stopping the medicines. I use listerine mouth wash daily at least twice and use sensoform tooth paste for last two years.

A:It seems you are suffering from severe periodontal problem and require intervention immediately. Do get in touch with an experienced Dentist who would examine you and most likely carry out scaling and curretage and, if the condition still persists, it may require periodontal surgery. Mouthwashes or any such medication won't help.