
What should the diet for a diabetic consist of?

Dr Surender Kumar
Department of Endocrinology & Metabolism,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: I am a 43-year-old male. I was diagnosed with diabetes 6 months back. My recent report shows 125 mg/dl(fasting) 138.4 mg/dl (post prandial / after meal) What should my diet consist of to keep my sugar level under control?

A:There is no such term as a Diabetic Diet. Your diet should be a normal traditional healthy diet, as for any non-diabetic person, but with a few minor modifications. A diabetic has normal digestive and food absorption capabilities and normal metabolism. Hence, the nutritional requirements of a diabetic are just the same as of a normal individual.The only metabolic difference is that due to relative insulin deficiency, clearance of glucose from blood circulation is slow after food intake, which leads to high level of glucose in the blood. Hence, food should be taken in smaller parts i.e., 6 equal parts. Instead of three main meals, take food in 3 lighter meals and 3 heavy snacks. This way all types of food (rice, potatoes, rajma, carrot, banana, etc.) can be taken. Similarly, all types of seasonal fruits should be taken in form of mixed fruit chat, which should be taken in small parts spread over the whole day. One can enjoy every item of food including mangoes in summer and ice-cream, etc.The only word of caution is regarding items which produce rapid rise in blood glucose - these should be taken in smaller quantities at a time. The art is how to spread the calories uniformly over the day.