
What should I do to manage my child’s rude behaviour?

Dr S Anandalakshmy
Advisor on Child Development & Education,

Q: My 2.10 years old daughter has started going to play school. She picks up things quickly and her memory is also sharp. She is a normal child but for the last 4-5 months I am observing that her behaviour is changing like she behaves rudely sometimes and throws things, which she doesn't like i.e. toy, food, etc. Please suggest how should I make her understand that this is wrong.

A:At this age, children do not have advanced language skills and speak through their actions. You must find out what her play school is like and whether children (who are leaders) are throwing things.You must encourage her to tell you what bothers her. Make sure that she gets enough sleep and rest. Sometimes children stay up late with their parents and this affects their temper and health adversely. Also watch out for packaged eats, which often have MSG. Cola drinks should be banned for children, as the caffeine in them becomes an addiction. Also give her adequate physical activity in the evenings, so that she sleeps soundly.