
What should I do to improve my temperament?

Dr Ashu Gandhi
Lead Psychiatrist,
Adult Mental Health Program,

Q: I am 35 years old female. I have two kids aged 5 and 2 years respectively. I have noticed that ever since my second pregnancy, I lose my temper very soon. I'm always agitated and resort to beating and shouting at my kids. I regret for my unpleasant reactions only after the situation and never before. I feel upset and depressed for being unable to change myself. I believe in God and always pray to help me change myself. My husband works with a private MNC and travels for almost 20 days in a month. Since I have to manage the house all by myself, I feel burdened and tense. Due to my husband's absence, I feel that there is absolutely no one to confide in and discuss my problems. I'm unable to make sense of my physical and mental condition. And don't even know how to improve. Please advise.

A:Losing anger and feeling agitated can in fact point towards ongoing burnout in the absence of help from your spouse or it could be indicative of ongoing frustration or depressive symptoms which may in fact be subsyndromal and not easily recognised because some days pass off well but not others. The severity of depression may not be very severe on most of the days as to causing direct dysfunctionality but may still be present to result in becoming short tempered, difficulty in coping, some sleep and appetite disturbances and even inability to enjoy usual activities. I would suggest it would be fruitful to visit a clinical psychologist and also a psychiatrist who may decide to prescribe appropriate medications. Take care.