
What should I do for my stomach problem?

Dr BS Anand
Houston, USA

Q: I have been having this problem for about 30 years now - after sleeping for 6 or 7 hours a day I begin to have a kind of discomfort around my navel. I cannot locate exactly where but can feel it. And I can't sleep after that. But if I sit up in the bed for half an hour or so, I can sleep again. This happens inevitably on days when I take afternoon naps. Even if I am not well I can't lie on the bed for more than a few hours. If I do the discomfort will show its ugly head and urge me to sit up or get up. I feel jealous of people who can sleep anytime. I can't even continue to be in the lying position, let alone sleep! Many doctors have been consulted; many medicines like Ranitidine have been taken but in vain. The last doctor I met suggested that if the pain went away on sitting then I should sit. Is there any way I can lie down if not sleep on the bed as long as I wish?

A:It is possible you have a condition called GERD (gastro-oesophageal reflux disease), which means that acid from your stomach is backing up into your food pipe (oesophagus).Please take the following steps:1. Take Omeprazole 20 mg in morning before breakfast on an empty stomach and again at night before dinner.2. Loose weight if you are overweight3. Avoid heavy meals 4. Avoid going to bed for atleast 2 hrs after a meal. 5. Raise the head end of your bed by using a brick or wooden block.If you are not substantially better in 4-6 weeks, I suggest you consult a gastroenterologist.