
What should I do for my fatty liver?

Dr BS Anand
Houston, USA

Q: I am 30 years old and recently had an abdominal ultrasound and a blood test. The following was found: fatty liver (grade II/III) and mild to moderate hydronephrosis found in my left kidney. My cholesterol is 241 mg/dl, triglycerides is 101 mg/dl, HDL is 52 mg/dl, LDL is 168 mg/dl, ratio is 3.23. My SGPT (ALT) is 62 u/l and SGOT (AST) is 36 u/l, TLC 11.10 X 10^9/1, ESR is 30 mm/hr. They did not find Hepatitis. Kindly guide which medicine is more suitable for me, which will bring all these values under normal limits without affecting my kidney or liver. For the liver I was taking Essential Forte.

A:Increase fat in the liver is a common condition and in most people does not cause any problem. Since your ALT is elevated, I suggest you do the following:1. Reduce weight to your optimal level. You should consult your doctor on a proper diet. 2. Take regular exercise: 30 minutes a day (a brisk walk is OK if you do not play sports).3. You need to bring down your cholesterol below 200 mg%. For this you may need to start taking medicines called statins. Again consult your doctor.With weight reduction and improvement in your blood lipids, your fatty liver should improve.