
What should I do for my daughter who loses her temper frequently?

Dr S Anandalakshmy
Advisor on Child Development & Education,

Q: I am very disappointed with my little daughter. She gets annoyed and angry at the slightest of things if they are not her liking. She constantly needs me even in the toilet. She has a very low self esteem. I am a single mother and get very disturbed because of her behaviour. What should I do? She is five and half years old.

A:You have not given enough details for my to give you specific advice. Your daughter needs patience and gentleness. Please talk to her and listen to her talking. Read stories to her and sing songs that she can learn from you. Her stubborn demand to have you there will go, when she is assured that you care for her and do things for her. Apart from feeding and taking care of bath, etc. play must become part of the daily routine. Let her meet other children of her age and play with them. If she attends nursery school, you may be able to ask her teacher also for advice.