
What should I do for mouth dryness?

Dr Irwin Ziment
Professor of Medicine,
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA

Q: I am a 26 years old male and have been suffering from acute dryness of mouth for the past more than one year. The symptoms are granular feeling in the mouth especially tongue and upper inside portion of mouth. Besides, lately I feel my hands and scalp are also absolutely dry (like we have in winters). The problem gets worse during evenings till late nights and it even gets really difficult to speak. I was asked to undergo certain tests by Lady Hardinge Medical College as listed: Eye check up for Schirmer test. The results were 35mm and 17mm for both eyes, which is normal. Blood test – Sugar (Fasting): 67mg/100ml and Sugar (Post Prandial): 79mg/100ml. Uric Acid – 5.8mg/100ml. Finding this in the normal range, I was asked to undergo certain other tests as well: Serology: RA Factor: Negative, Method: Nephelometry, Titre: 20.0IU/ml. Hormones: S.T3: 1.28ng/ml, S.T4: 7.46 micro gm/dL, S.TSH: 1.00uIU/ml. Serology: Anti Nuclear Factor (ANF): Negative. I have consulted a couple of doctors including ENT specialists but to no avail. What I was finally advised was tablet Bromhexine 16mg TDS plus capsule Zevit 1 OD. However, there was no respite. I even consulted Homeopathic doctors, but there has been no permanent relief. Just to bring to your notice that I am undergoing no other medical treatment and taking no medicines that might have any side effects. Please advise.

A:A dry mouth may arise as the outcome of a disease such as sarcoidosis. A negative Schirmer test rules out this consideration. Many people have a sense of dryness because of fear or anxiety and this is a major concern when this symptom becomes a socially isolating problem. Obviously the best simple treatment is to drink water frequently, but avoiding tannin in tea and similar drinks is necessary. Sucking a sour candy or lemon juice helps stimulate salivary flow. Deliberate efforts to increase the symptom may reduce its annoyance at other times. Thus vigorous exercise, breathing through the mouth and not drinking could stress the salivary glands and make them more efficient. Drugs that increase salivation, such as mercury products, are too toxic to use.