
What should I do for an umbilical hernia?

Prof Suneet Sood
Consultant Surgeon,

Q: I had a normal delivery for my first child three years ago. Since then I have developed an umbilical hernia and a very big, loose stomach. Will a second pregnancy lead to complications? Will surgery be possible/required during my second pregnancy? Is this a safe simple surgery and will the size of my stomach reduce after this?

A:The umbilical hernia needs repair.Complications can occur at any time, even during a second pregnancy. The chance of a complication is slightly higher during a pregnancy than in the non-pregnant state, I think. Surgery is possible in the second trimester of pregnancy. If you are likely to need a caesarean the operation for umbilical hernia can be done during the caesarean. Surgery for umbilical hernia is simple and safe. Your abdominal size will not decrease after the operation.