
What should I do for a frozen shoulder?

Hansa Kanuga
Consultant Physiotherapist,
Apollo clinic,

Q: I am suffering from a frozen shoulder of the left shoulder for the last four months. Before that I had the same problem in the right shoulder which stayed for about six months and after doing some exercise with a towel it slowly disappeared. But immediately it affected the left shoulder. The exercise I did with a towel for relief did not work. Recently I have shown it to an Orthopaedic surgeon as well as a neurology doctor at the Spinal Injury Hospital. The pain killers work temporarily. I am a diabetic taking insulin twice a day. Earlier I had gaps in the 3rd 4th and 4th 5th neck vertebrate and also in the lumbar region.

A:I suggest, first, stop sleeping on the side that aggravates your symptoms.Secondly, get a proper evaluation done of your spinal and shoulder movements.Thirdly, avoid carrying weights and being in any posture for too long that increase your pain or causes discomfort.It is not necessary that if exercises worked for one shoulder, they should work the same way for the other shoulder. The underlying cause could be different or you could have neglected the pain this time.Since you have diabetes, you will experience more pain and your recovery will be slow. You will have to go for regular physiotherapy as per your evaluation and your therapist’s advice, but, I would suggest, do not go for any thermotherapy.Same would apply for your neck and lumbar pain. Your therapist will advice you if any collar or belt is required.