
What quantity of food and fruits should be given to a year old child?

Dr Vidya Gupta
Consultant Paediatrician & Neonatologist,
Indraprastha Apollo Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: What does one serving imply, in terms of quantity? If a year old baby has to be given 1-2 servings of protein or fat everyday, what will be the quantity of food and fruits? Is it in terms of tablespoons? How much serving of fat and proteins have to be given to a 14 months old child?

A:Stop worrying about servings of protein and fat. At one year your baby should have a good variety in the diet. There should be variety in taste, texture and flavour. The diet should include at least one fruit every day. Three meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) and at least 2 of them should contain a cereal. Dahi and paneer can be given and dal vegetables and any non-vegetarian foods may be included, if they form part of the family diet. Two feeds of milk are enough for a one year old baby. Milk should be given from a glass or a sipper instead of a bottle.