
What precautions should my sister take for skin allergy?

Dr Kamlendar Singh
Senior Consultant, Dermatology and Venereology,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi

Q: My 32 years old sister is suffering from skin allergy whenever exposed to sunlight. She has irritation and itching along with the presence very small white acne. This generally happens only in summer. What precautions should she take?

A:Your sister seems to have photosensitivity. Various kinds of skin lesions appear in different people. Which exact kind of photosensitive disorder she has, can only be found out after clinical evaluation. Photosensitive disorders can result from different mechanisms; it could be genetic, auto immune, or due to photosensitising chemicals present in the environment, etc. Some disorders may require specific therapy. However, in all cases, protection from light by appropriate clothes and sunscreens, will give good relief.