
What precautions should be taken during pregnancy?

Prof Mini Sood
Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology,
University Technology Mara,

Q: I am a 28 years old female underwent a scan on 24th week of my pregnancy. My fetus weighs 732 gm. My Doppler report showed left uterine diastolic notch with RI - 0.36, right is fine with RI - 0.42. Is the fetal weight normal? I have been asked to take ASA 50 for 20 days for blood thinning. What other care should be adopted? I am a working woman and cannot discontinue before three months.

A:Yes all should be fine in over 75% cases if you continue the ASA, blood pressure is ok, there is no infection/ other chronic illness like anemia or malnutrition. The baby will grow well if the diet is balnaced, adequate and has enough proteins, calcuim and minerals. The rest should be at least 10-12 hours in aday , in the right of left lateral position, A count of the baby movements after 30 weeks would guide you about the health of the baby. Regular checks for fetal growth and well being would be essential to allow the pregnancy to be ended at a good time to give the babay and optimal growth with low risk of adverse complications.