
What precautions should a woman take after a hysterectomy?

Dr Anuj Sharma
Faculty member, Department of Family Medicine,
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill,

Q: My mother is 71 years old and underwent hysterectomy about 4 months back as the test was showing endocarcinoma in the fat taken out along when the uterus and ovaries were removed. What precautions should she take so that she can restore normalcy in health and routine?

A:Sorry to hear about your mothers problems. It takes a while to completely recuperate from any major surgery. I would suggest balanced meals (proteins, vegetables, fruits, milk) plus a multivitamin every day. Try to get her out for walking. Walking increases the overall wellbeing of the body and also gives it more oxygen. Do not let her stay in bed in a sick role. The more she gets out and around, the better off she will be. Please consult with her operating surgeon before following any of my suggestions.