
What precautions should a TB patient and his family take?

Dr Anuj Sharma
World Health Organization,
Country Office for India,
New Delhi

Q: I am 23 years old suffering from tuberculosis. What precautions do my family and I need to take, such that the infection is not spread? What is the cure for it?

A:TB usually affects the lungs and it is important to observe respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette.

  • Patients and family members should be encouraged to cover their nose/mouth when coughing, sneezing or spitting and wash their hands with soap and water thereafter.
  • Use tissues to contain respiratory secretions and dispose them in the nearest waste bin.
  • Patients with signs and symptoms of a respiratory infection should be discouraged from visiting others.
Apart from these, it is very important for the patient to take the medicines for treatment for the entire duration as advised by the doctor.