What precautions are required after a cervical spine surgery?
Hansa Kanuga
Consultant Physiotherapist,
Apollo clinic,
Q: Recently I underwent a cervical spine surgery. Now I am fine but want know what are precautions should I take and what exercises can I do?
A:It’s a good thing you have no pain and everything has gone off well. The precautions you need to take:
Continue your neck range of motion and strengthening exercises twice a day so that there are no episodes of pain again. Practice good posture whether you are sitting, standing or moving. Do not lift weights. Rearrange frequently used items at home and at work so that you can reach them easily. Start driving only after your doctor has permitted you. If you had any numbness or weakness in your arm prior to surgery, see to it that you get your nerve function and muscle strength evaluated and do proper exercises to regain proper arm strength. Avoid excessive strain on shoulder and shoulder girdle while doing arm exercises. Do breathing exercises. Eat a sensible diet and take walks for about half an hour twice daily and that should be good enough to keep your weight in check.