
What kind of a urinary problem does my mother have?

Dr Anuj Sharma
Faculty member, Department of Family Medicine,
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill,

Q: My mother is 52 years old and has some urinary problem. She feels like urinating but when she goes to the toilet, it does not flow normally but comes out very slowly and not all of it is passed. Her menstrual cycle stopped a year ago. Sometimes she feels very warm from inside, mostly in the region of ears and thigh. For this doctor advised her to take some injections and she took it.

A:From the symptoms, your mother may have a urinary tract infection. Please get her urine tested, and if infected, she needs antibiotics. The other possibility is an irritable bladder. She needs a check up. Hot flushes are very common after menopause. Hormone replacement can help significantly. Her urinary symptoms could also be because of hormone deficiency. If so, hormone replacement may help her bladder symptoms also. All the best!