What kind of a treadmill should I buy?
Counsellor, Psychotherapist & Wellness expert,
Q: I am a 32 years old female, weigh 64 kg and my height is 156 cm. To stay fit and lose weight, I am planning to buy a motorised treadmill. There are different models available in the market. Can you recommend which one should I go for in accordance to my age and weight?
A:Treadmill is an excellent option for walking and has the benefits of variations that you might not find in the outdoors. Firstly, it works just as well when you cannot access the outdoors for reasons like the cold or pollution. Secondly, you can time your walk, use the motorized treadmill to increase your pace and keep a tab on the exact number of kilo meters/miles you have walked. What it cannot do, however, is give you the exact caloric loss unless you have one where you can enter your weight. Having said that, the non-motorised treadmill, though cheaper, does have as good benefits as the motorised one, with out the above variations. I would recommend the one, which is on a flat bed rather than on rollers. There are models that also have variations in the incline of the treadmill. Please put on your walking shoes when you walk on the treadmill to give you enough support and traction. The effort involved with a covered foot will be less and the impact in the body felt will be drastically reduced. You must also make sure you warm up the whole body before going for a walk, whether outdoors or on the treadmill.