
What is wrong with my underarms?

Prof Jayakar Thomas
Senior Consultant Dermatologist,
Kanchi Kamakoti Child Trust Hospital,

Q: I am a 26 years old girl and felt some irritation in my left underarm some days back. When I checked there was a colourless tiny boil with a black dot in the center and in a horizontal line I saw some red marks near the boil. If I touch it or stretch my hand, there was a slight itchy feeling and a mild pain that wouldn't last for more than a few minutes. I am unable wear sleeveless clothes as the line of the sleeve comes in contact with this area and that causes irritation. I have a habit of leaving my bra unhooked when going to sleep. I have woken up with the bra hooks pricking in my underarms a few times. Could this be the cause? Is it an allergy? Please advise

A:What you have developed under your arm is probably a small sebaceous cyst.When this is in an occluded area like the underarm, it gets easily infected and then ruptures and leaves a black dot in the center. The horizontal lines are probably scratch marks.I do understand that it will cause pain and discomfort with sleeveless clothing as the line of the sleeve comes in contact with this area and causes irritation. Your habit of leaving your bra unhooked when going to sleep has nothing to do with it.You may please use a topical antibiotic with temporary relief. The best thing to do is to remove it permanently by a minor surgery.