
What is wrong with my right kidney?

Dr Naveen Atray
Asst. Professor of Medicine,
Overton Brooks VA Medical Centre,

Q: I am 26 years old and from last year I am getting pus cells in my urine. I had acute pain on the right side of my back but suddenly it disappeared after 2 weeks and I got low-grade fever for 2 months. I have done IVP & DTPA also, which shows my non-functioning right kidney. In CT scan no stone is visible and I don't have any problem while passing urine. Recently, I had ultrasound done which showed a chronic hydronephrotic right kidney and no visualisation of ureters. Since I got married this year only I just want to know, is it necessary that I have to go for surgery and if yes, will this affect my pregnancy later?

A:It seems your right kidney is non-functioning and lost its function secondary to a chronic obstruction. Thus, you have only one functioning kidney. Usually, surgery would be indicated under three circumstances: if that kidney has active infection, there is some amount of function in the obstructed kidney justifying salvage or if this kidney is causing the blood pressure to be uncontrollably high.Surgery for removal of non-functioning kidney ordinarily does not interfere ones ability to get pregnant or complete an uncomplicated pregnancy. However, abnormal kidney function and/or high BP does. You have provided neither your kidney function nor your BP values so it is hard to comment. However, it must be ensured that your left kidney is free from any stone/blockages/other disease etc. On an optimistic note, one can live a normal life with a single kidney alone. It is important that BP (should be less than 130/80), blood sugar etc. are periodically checked and a healthy life style is maintained including daily exercise, weight control, avoiding anything that can harm the kidneys.