
What is wrong with my 7 year olds speech?

Q: My son is seven and a half years old. Till about 3 to 4 years, he spoke well but then he started speaking with repeated words. Now, he has a problem of few words while forming a sentence, where as he can say the same difficult word alone very well. Kindly suggest me some treatment?

A:A seven-year-old child should be talking fluently (i.e. by 7 both speech and Language fluency is achieved). You have not mentioned whether you have already started with some treatment, since the problem has been persisting from past one year. If not, I would recommend that first you should consult a neurologist to rule out any significant neurological event that could have taken place resulting in a problem like this. And then you should get a detailed evaluation done by Speech Language Pathologist, depending upon which the remediation will be decided.