
What is the treatment of thyrotoxicosis?

Dr DDK Rolston

Q: My mother is 55 years old. She developed a thyroid problem 3 months ago. This has lead to loss in appetite. At one point in she was not able to digest anything, not even liquid. She has lost weight and body strength. Her thyroid test report details are as follows: Total T3 - 219 (Ref. range - 52-185ng/dl); Total T4 - 8.9 (Ref. range = 4.8-11.6 ug /dl); TSH - 0.1 (Ref. range 0.53-6.82 uIU/ml) (low range - 0.28-0.53, High range - 5.60-6.82); Her haematology report is as follows: Hb - 11.2 (Normal - Female 12-16gn%); White cells count - 9,200 (4000-11000 cells/; DLC - Neutrophils: 58% (40-70%); Lymphocytes:- 40% (20 - 40%); Eosinophils:- 02% (1 - 6%); Monocytes:- 00% (2-8%); Basophil:- 00% (0-2%); E.S.R:- 12 (0-20 mm) m fall in 1st hour (Wintrobe method). She is on medication for hyperthyroidism and recovering slowly. Can hypethyroidism be cured completely? What precautions (physical, diet) shoudl be taken by her so that it doesn't get worse? What would you suggest for faster recovery?

A:I agree with your physician that your mother has excessive activity of her thyroid gland or thyrotoxicosis. Often patients have to take the medication for a several years. The problem is that about 30% of patients relapse after the medication is discontinued and may require another form of treatment such as radioiostope ablation of the gland or surgery. Also some patient relapse even while on treatment. She requires no special diet and there is nothing one can do to hasten the recovery period.