
What is the treatment of malignant melanoma of the eye?

Q: My sister, aged 28 years, is having Malignant melanoma of the conjunctiva, which was detected by biopsy report of exision of very small mass (0.5 cms x 0.2 cms) in her right eye. There is no node in her neck or any other part of body. Her vision is very good now. She has been advised additional surgery with cryotherapy. My questions are: 1) Is observation the only treatment year after year (advised by the doctor first time) 2) Dies additional surgery mean total removal of eyes? 3) Will cryotherapy affect her vision? Kindly advise With regards, Santanu Pal

A:Cryotherapy is the right treatment for your patient. This involves killing tumor cells by freezing them at and around the site of original tumor. There should be no effect on vision. Only regular follow up is required thereafter. Cure rates exceed 80% - 90%.