
What is the treatment of bed wetting in adults?

Mahendra Bhandari
Professor of Urology, Director Clinical Research,
Henry Ford Hospital,
Detroit, USA

Q: I am 26 years old and still wet the bed nearly every night. The only time this stopped was when I was pregnant and breast feeding my son who is now four years old. From early teens I have used demopressin nasal spray and this is effective but I do suffer from side effects. Four months ago I tried stopping my medication and have been dry at night until last night. I am so upset and have been bursting into tears most of the day today and do not want to go to bed. What can I do? I have had an ultrasound scan of my bladder done which showed nothing wrong. I was told to stay on my medication and just put up with the side effects. I have not had any further tests done, are there any tests that can be done to find the cause?

A:Do not get upset at this setback. Well, I agree this is a little unusual prolongation of nocturnal enuresis. You may not require any test, what you may require is a counselling with a urologist who could devote time and put you to peace, help you with appropriate medicine support, adjustment of alarm clock wake up and voiding at night. Let me convince you that this problem has enormous nuisance value and you are going to be alright soon.