
What is the treatment for teratospermia?

Prof Dinesh Dhanwal
Prof of Medicine and Head of Endocrinology,
Maulana Azad Medical College,
New Delhi

Q: My 34 year old wife is on medication for hypothyroidism. We started trying for a baby two months back. My semen analysis showed motile count - 101.37 million, vitality - 58% and morphology - 10% (strict Kruger's criteria). Majority - micro, round, amorphous heads with vacuoles and bent neck, coiled tails. Remarks - Teratospermia. Is it possible to conceive naturally given my wife's thyroid disorder and my sperm morphology? My wife had a miscarriage two years back, as it was an unplanned pregnancy. What is the treatment for teratospermia?

A:Cause of infertility in your case may be teratospermia. In this condition there is abnormality in the morphology of sperms and this is likely to have been there for a long time. The fact that your wife once got pregnant suggests that she still has chance for normal pregnancy. Otherwise intracytoplasmic sperm injection is one option for fertility. You should try for a period of one year before going for ICSI or some other method. Usually we do not find a cause but getting a good examination from a physician along with blood tests will rule out causes of this condition. Your wife should have normal TSH and T4 throughout the course of treatment and during pregnancy.