
What is the treatment for neurofibroma?

Dr M Sumra
Henry Ford Hospital,
Detroit, USA

Q: I recently found some brown marks on my skin and they look like bubbles to me. I consulted a doctor, according to whom, I have a disease called neurofibroma. I am really worried. Earlier I had only 2 and now I have more than 10 swellings on my body. Could you please tell me what is the treatment for neurofibroma? And where can I get this treatment ?

A:A neurofibroma is an abnormal growth of certain types of cells in the nervous system, including those that provide support and insulation to nerves. The disease that involves this appearance of neurofibromas is called Neurofibromatosis (NF). About one half of people with NF inherit it from there parents, in the other half their is no family history of the disease. NF as well as affecting the skin, can affect other sites including the nervous system and bones. There are two disease entities within NF, NF Type 1 and NF Type 2, the latter being associated with less of the skin manifestations than the former. I am not sure what type of doctor diagnosed you with NF, but it is important you see a Neurologist (even better would be a Neurologist who specialises in NF). First you need to have the diagnosis confirmed. They will then be able to give you more information about the disease if you do indeed have it, and answer any questions you have about what to expect in the coming years. As for treatment, there is currently no cure for NF, and treatment is supportive in nature. Once you have established care with a Neurologist it is important you follow up with him regularly.