What is the treatment for hypogonadotropic hypogonadism?
Department of Endocrinology & Metabolism,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi
Q: I am suffering from hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. My doctor advised me to take 3 months of pubergen - 1000 i.u. for 1 month and 2000 i.u. for another 2 months. But there has been no change and now he has prescribed testosterone 1 each month for 3 months. I would like to know for how long can this treatment go on?
A:You are suffering form hypogonadotropic hypogonadism which means that your pituitary gland (brain) is not able to produce enough gonadotrophins hence testes remain small and hence testosterone is not produced. Thus the ideal treatment is the replacement of what is deficient i.e. gonadotrophins but this is available only in injection form and is expensive. Till family is complete after marriage, this is the ideal line of treatment and the dose should be 5000 units on alternate days till testicle size becomes normal and the response of the drug should be checked by testing serum testosterone level.If one cannot afford gonadotrophin therapy then replacement of male hormone in form of testosterone injection is the second alternative but with this therapy fatherhood is not possible but manhood can be maintained.