
What is the treatment for herpetic keratitis?

Dr Pradeep Sharma
Strabismus and Neuro-Ophthalmology,
AIIMS, New Delhi

Q: One of my friends has some problem regarding his right eye. Four year back, he got a viral infection of herpes. Due to this, there is one small white spot on the black ball of the right eye which is increasing day by day. He is also having the problem of less vision with that right eye. There is always some pain with that eye and its colour is reddish. On consultation with an eye specialist, the doctor said that operation is necessary and suggested P.K. and Stem cell grafting. Kindly give your suggestion and guidance regarding the same with the facilities wherever available for the same.

A:You seem to be having herpetic keratitis. It should be treated with antivirals like acyclovir aggressively both topically in the eye as well as orally. If there is a subsequent corneal opacity it which is very likely if the keratitis has already spread on to the seeing part of the cornea, it will require corneal grafting (PK) . This can be done at bigger eye hospitals with a proper cornea service and eye bank, like RP Centre AIIMS, Delhi, LV Prasad at Hyderabad, Sankara Nethralaya, Chennai etc.