
What is the treatment for glioblastoma multiforme grade 4?

Q: My mother has been diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme grade 4 right side. This was detected and operated last year. She has a history of high blood pressure, high blood sugar and arthritis. She has taken 3 cycles of gliotem and has undergone 40 days radiotherapy. Her condition worsened after 1 and half months of low pressure IV shunting. After that the condition improved slowly and she started talking with reasoning but remained confined in bed. Only her right hand and legs could move. Despite of taking Eptoin 100mg x3 times, frequent convulsions occurred, so she started taking homeopathic medicines and later started Frisium. Presently she can't move any limbs, has a blank look, has been eating through a tube, she can neither speak nor hear and the vision is also doubtful. She is currently taking homeopathic medicines for less convulsion and stability. She is also taking Rantac 150 b.d, Encorate chrono 500mg b.d; Epsoline 100x3 at night; Repace 25mg b.d; Frisium 10mg b.d; Polybion o.d; Omez ff 40-o.d; Sucral t.d.s; Domstal s.o.s; Alex syrup b.d. Will there be any reaction among the medicines? Why has my mother suddenly stopped responding?

A:The cause of deterioration is two fold :1. Gradual increase in tumour size2. Recurrent convulsions - leads to swelling around the tumour.The treatment consists of the following1. Anticancer treatment e.g., cap CCNU to control cancer2. Anti convulsion treatment.3. Medicine to decrease the swelling around the tumour e.g., mannitol and steroids.